Nostalgia is one of the biggest Youtube Channels in Brasil. It's a channel about history and science taught in a fun way! 
They started a new video series called Nostalgia Animado, that are short videos exploring a few of the most important facts of the world. 
For the first episode, they decided to talk about the Bomb of Hiroshima and all the devastation that it caused. 
To help tell the story, they called me to create letterings that would work along with the illustrations. And I called the motion graphic designer Larissa Garcia to help me give live to these Letterings. 
It was a big project, we created more than 22 letterings that are in the video, along with the opening scnene. 
The video was a success with the audience, with more than 1,6M views so far, and was #1 trending video on Youtube on its release day. 

Animation - Luan Hilton
Illustration - Igor Pizzuto
Letterings - Tipo da Rebeca
Motion - Larissa Garcia
Presenter - Felipe Castanhari
Script - Rob Gordon e Felipe Castanhari
Video Editing - Mariana Kadlec
Production - Thed Oliveira 
Direction - Felipe Castanhari
Thank you! 
Keep up with my work here ;) 

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